The Big Lie


Donald Trump is a racist, homophobic, islamophobic, xenophobic hate Monger!  Well that’s what we are told to believe, but is it true?  Just as Joseph Goebbels and the Nazis pushed their big lie so have the media and the left when it comes to Trump.  The idea of the ‘Big Lie’ originated with Hitler and the Nazis.  Joseph Goebbels perfected the idea of the big lie taking propaganda to a whole new level.  Goebbels used that big lie to further the Nazis long standing Anti-Semitism which eventually led to the murder of over 6 million Jews.  The Nazis wanted us all to believe that the Jews ran the world, and that it was them who were intent on wiping out the German people.  They therefore reasoned that it was their duty and right to exterminate them first in the self defence of the German people.  An entire population saw it as normal to hate Jews, almost patriotic if you will. And they carried out their evil extermination of the jews with an almost machine like perfection.

Fast forward 80 years to the election of Donald Trump and once again a big lie is being perpetrated.  Will there be concentration camps and mass murder? No not likely, but millions are still being maligned by a lie that has taken on a life of its own. Here’s the thing, if what they say about Trump and his supporters is true they deserve to be brought down.  America is better than that and there is no way a racist should be running the country, we saw how that turned out in Germany.  But what if none or little of what you are being told is actually true?  While there may be snippets of truth in what is being said of Trump and his supporters much of it is not true.  From the very beginning we were told he was a racist.  Yet over the years with the exception of a lawsuit that named the Trump organization as discriminating against black renters there is very little to show him as a racist. Now to be fair It was a different time and we have all evolved so to speak. Hillary Clinton herself referred to blacks as ‘Super Predators’ many years ago, do I think she is a racist person today? Absolutely not. Other allegations of Trump referring to Mexicans as rapists and drug dealers are equally either an outright lie or an exaggeration.  The exact quote that he made during that speech has been twisted and spun in so many directions was as follows.

QUOTE: “When Mexico sends its people, they’re not sending their best. They’re not sending you. They’re not sending you. They’re sending people that have lots of problems, and they’re bringing those problems with us. They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists. And some, I assume, are good people.”

Now granted it’s a sloppy way of expressing what may be a genuine issue with illegal immigration allowing violent criminals into America, but he did NOT label ALL Mexicans drug dealers and Rapists! Again terrible way of expressing that concern but man would it be nice for the media to put a little context into their reporting now and then. I have yet to hear a single word out of Trumps mouth that could be construed as Homophobic.  After the Orlando massacre Trump had nothing but kind words for that community, a sentiment that has been echoed by many Trump supporters.  And need I remind you that the father of the man who murdered those members of the LGBTQ2 community was siting directly behind Hillary Clinton during a campaign event. Does that make her a supporter of terrorism or a homophobe? Of course not. Well that’s fine you’ll say but he mocked a handicap reporter!  Again this is not true and has been debunked.  The night of the apparent mocking Trump made his stupid flailing arms movements twice!  Yes he was mocking the reporter in question, but he had no idea the reporter was handicapped! He also did the exact movements when talking about a General in reference to defeating ISIS! And Ted Cruz received the same treatment in a South Carolina rally when Trump tried to impersonate a flustered Ted Cruz being asked about waterboarding!  In yet another case a  judge deciding Trumps fate surrounding the Trump University case also played highly in the press. While Trumps remarks were crude and simple minded he was essentially correct. His point was he felt he would not receive a fair trial. While the judge in question was indeed of Mexican decent, what was more alarming was the fact he was a member of  San Diego La Raza Lawyers Association.  Initially there was some confusion with another group by the name of La Raza that mostly dealt with immigration reform and better opportunities for Latino families. And there still remains some question as to the groups involvement with immigration and other Latino issues, but it still seems legit to question it. However the point can be made that Trump felt he couldn’t receive a fair trial due to his previous statements surrounding Mexico, and Latinos reaction to those statements.  As Trump had said things that may have been offensive to Latinos, is it not reasonable to assume that people who advocate for Latinos including this judge may find fault with Trump? Seems logical to me, and I’m sure most legal experts would agree.

Combine all these lies or half truths taken out of context into a narrative and preach it to the masses and what do you think will happen?  Eventually this big lie will catch on and no one will question it.  And for those who do question it immediate condemnation will follow. The media and certain groups on the left are currently pushing the big lie to the general public. The result? Riots and demonstrations in the streets, students receiving care from trauma specialists to deal with Trumps win, calls for impeachment have already begun, violence against Trump supporters, threats and intimidation and a growing hatred of Trump and all those who helped elect him. With it many false stories of violence being perpetrated by Trump supporters. False reports of women having hijabs ripped off people of colour being spit on and even women claiming to have been grabbed by the genitalia. It needs to stop. The media has the ability to do its job and report the truth, but sadly they won’t as they are part of the propaganda machine. Where will it end? More riots, More violence? A potential civil war? At this point who knows, he hasn’t even been sworn in yet and somehow we find ourselves on the edge of an all out national emergency worthy of the National Gaurd being called out.

Everyone needs to step back and examine the facts and draw their own conclusions. Once you do you too may come to the same conclusion I came to,  that we are being played for fools by the media in yet another lie aimed at Trump. They lied to us about Trump’s chances of winning the primary, they lied to us about the polls and his chances of getting elected and now they’re hammering home the lie that Trump and everyone who supported him is a racist bigot ready to infringe on every minorities basic human rights. There is no doubt Trump has said some stupid ignorant things and his words have been seen as hurtful and sexist in the eyes of many myself included. Are we willing to admit we have all said and done stupid things that we regret, but on the whole except him as a decent human being?  That’s not the narrative the media and left are pushing, instead labelling him and his supporters full blown bigots.  The question is are we stupid enough to believe that lie after all the previous ones they have pushed upon us? Or will we draw our own conclusions and give the man a chance to prove his worth?

Donald J Trump President Elect 2016


By now most of us have come to the realization that Donald J Trump has been elected as the 45th President of the United States of America.  But how on earth could this have occurred?  The overwhelming majority of the media, the polls, the talking heads and the establishment claimed it was a forgone conclusion that Hillary Clinton had this in the bag. While it appears Mr. Trump did not win the popular vote, it was convincing enough to prove that Americans wanted change and were not happy with the status quo.  I think I need to stress what I just said ‘not happy’.  The populace were not happy, not in the least. This past election cycle will go down as one of the most divisive in the history of America.  Deplorable, racist, homophobic, islamophobic, xenophobic, transphobic…..oh lets see did I miss any of the insults directed toward Trump or his supporters?  And from Trump accusations against Sectary Clinton  of corruption,  health issues, sex scandals,  rigging of elections, collusion with the media the list just goes on and on.  How many of the accusations leveled against each candidate will turn out to be true, who knows?  Both candidates have now reverted to a more calm respectful tone now that the election is over.

But again how is it that no one saw this coming?  I don’t for two seconds believe the election was rigged in favour of either candidate. What I do believe is that the media were totally in the bag for one candidate over the other.  The vast majority of that media Fox News included for a great part were against Trump.  Never Trumpers had a very loud voice at Fox and there were many well publicized blow outs between Trump and his people and media personalities such as Megyn Kelly and Shepard Smith. Sure there were Trump cheer leaders at Fox News such as Sean Hannity but they were few and far between. When you look at the rest of the media in all its forms they were almost exclusively against Trump. But this did not obviously reflect what the public felt did it?  I think if we can blame anyone for Trumps victory its the media!  That same media who went out of its way to convince Americans that Trump and his supporters were a band of deplorable racists are the ones who drove many Americans into the arms of Trump. Why? Because most people saw that as a lie or at the least an exaggeration. And news flash they’re still doing it even after his win, maybe even stepping it up a bit by calling Trumps win a ‘Whitewash’ as a continuation of the race based trash talk.  The same media that dismissed Trump constantly, and said he was a step away from losing the Primary and then the election will likely continue their slander of Trump for years to come.  People are sick and tired of the Media, the Republican and the Democratic party and the games they play. The people have said enough is enough. The media played right into the games the two parties liked to play.  Trump didn’t play by the rules.  The Republican party never warmed to the idea of having Trump as their presumptive nominee because he refused to play that game. They worked tirelessly against him at every stage of the election. But like I said people were tired of the games both parties were guilty of, so you could almost see the writing on the wall as to what could happen, in many ways America’s Brexit moment.

Where do we go form here?  There is an obvious anger out there that has shown itself.  What we do with that anger is the question.  Many Americans feel they have been left out of the process just as the people of the United Kingdom felt before their Brexit.  They feel their government is blind to their plight and instead of offering solutions are almost predisposed to put up roadblocks.  Americans want jobs, safe cites, a strong response to terrorist threats,  sensible immigration policy, trade that benefits their country and above all they want government to work for them!  It’s also very telling that Clinton’s moto was ” I’m with her” whereas Trump’s was “I’m with You”  People want a President to fight for them not the other way around.  Time will tell how good or bad a President Trump administration is. I am very hopeful that Trump will do a good job, but we’ll only be able to say for sure 4 years from now.  Maybe the 45th President will be able to build consensus amongst people with differing views,  lord knows he doesn’t fit the mold of a typical Republican.  In fact many times he has sided more with Democrats rather than Republicans. He has always claimed to be the deal maker, well prove it with words and actions. Live up to your campaign slogan,  Make America Great Again!